Family Friday 174

It is Baby Sale season again! This means yet another job to add to Mommy’s already full plate.

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Baby clothes, baby clothes, baby clothes for days…. Literally.

This year she is accepting used baby clothes and other items from other people, so she and one of her coworkers have spent a few evenings sorting and tagging hundreds of outfits and other baby paraphernalia.

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Evie really liked this stroller.

Except for items like the stroller above which we decided to keep.

Mommy has also been on night shift this week, which means lots and lots of time with Deedee and Papa.

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They have a piano, which is the best toy ever!

Deedee and Papa sure know how to throw a party. They wear the little girls out!

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Papa gives the best horsey rides.
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Even when he is too tired to be a horse, he makes a great jungle gym.


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It is all very tiring for Papa.

It is very tiring for Ellie too.

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Tired baby girl.

She is working hard at getting bigger. She is ten months old now. She is so big and happy, even though she is a little stuffy right now.

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She is also developing a mind of her own. Heaven help us, we have two stubborn, strong willed children in the house. (I can’t imagine where they get it from…) Evie is also getting big now. She is beg enough to make macaroni and cheese! (Talk about life skills, right?)

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Daddy has to reminder her to follow instructions, even though she is big.

This week, Mommy and the girls got a package ready to ship to Daddy.

If it fits it ships
Flat rate shipping: If it fits it ships, right?
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Ellie adds the finishing touches (the drool stains of love).

And they mailed it out filled with love and supplies.

Meanwhile, Daddy keeps working and as a matter of fact, needs to get back to work. So that’s all for this week. You stay classy. Keep us in your prayers. God Bless!Family Friday 174 (5)



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